A-Z List of Ex-Military Service

From the Family Tree Forum Reference Library

Airborne Forces Security Fund

The Airborne Forces Security Fund
Merville Barracks
Colchester, Essex CO2 7UT
Civil (01206) 81 7078 or 01206 817079
Military (9) 46660 7078
Email: syfund@parachute-regiment.com

Aircrew Association

Aircrew Association
Honorary Secretary
20 Priestley Way
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1278 773954
Website:Aircrew Association

Army Benevolent Fund

Army Benevolent Fund
41 Queen's Gate
South Kensington
London SW7 5HR
Tel: (020) 7591 2000
Fax: (020) 7584 0889
Website:The Army Benevolent Fund

Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women

Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women
Shield House
Harmony Way
off Victoria Road
London NW4 2BZ
Head Office Tel. 020 8202 2323
Jewish Military Museum Tel. 020 8201 5656
Fax. 020 8202 9900
E-mail. headoffice@ajex.org.uk
Website:Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women

Association of Royal Naval Officers

Association of Royal Naval Officers
70 Porchester Terrace
London, W2 3TP
Tel: (020) 7402 5231
Fax: (020) 77402 5533
E-Mail: ARNO@eurosurf.com
Website: Association of Royal Naval Officers

The Army Central Fund

The Army Central Fund
Building 398B Trenchard Lines

Auxiliary Territorial Service and Women's Royal Army Corps Association (ATS & WRAC)

Auxiliary Territorial Service and Women's Royal Army Corps Association (ATS & WRAC)
General Secretary,
Women's Royal Army Corps Association
Gould House
Worthy Down
Hants SO21 2RG
Phone: 01962 887478
Fax: 01962 887478
For general mail : wracassociation@googlemail.com
For The Lioness: lioness@wracassociation.co.uk
Website:Auxiliary Territorial Service and Women's Royal Army Corps Association

British Commonwealth Ex-Services League

British Commonwealth Ex-Services League
Haig House,
199 Borough High Street,
London SE1 1AA,
UK Telephone +44 (0)20 3207 2413
E-Mail: bmoore@commonwealthveterans.org.uk
Website:British Commonwealth Ex-Services League

British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association (BLESMA)

British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association (BLESMA)
Frankland Moore House
185-187 High Rd
Chadwell Heath
Essex RM6 6NA
Tel: (020) 8590 1124
Fax: (020) 8599 2932
E-Mail: blesma185@btconnect.com
Website:British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association (BLESMA)

British Nuclear Test Veterans Association

British Nuclear Test Veterans Association
13 Wetlands Lane
Tel: (01275) 848965
E-Mail: secretary@bntva.com
Website: British Nuclear Test Veterans Association

The Burma Star Association

The Burma Star Association
4 Lower Belgrave Street
Tel: (020) 7823 4273
Fax: (020) 7730 7882
Website: The Burma Star Association

Chaseley Trust

Chaseley Trust
The Chaseley Trust
South Cliff
BN20 7JH
Tel: (01323) 744200
Fax: (01323) 744208
E-Mail: info@chaseleytrust.org
Website: Chaseley Trust

The Earl Haig Fund Scotland

The Earl Haig Fund Scotland,
New Haig House
Logie Green Road
Tel: (0131) 557 2782
Fax: (0131) 557 5819
E-Mail: reception@ehfs.org.uk
Website:The Earl Haig Fund Scotland

Erskine Hospital

Erskine Hospital
Tel: (0141) 812 4286
Fax: (0141) 812 3733
E-Mail: enquiries@erskine.org.uk
Website: Erskine Hospital

The Ex-Service Fellowship Centres

The Ex-Service Fellowship Centres
8 Lower Grosvenor Place
London SW1W 0EP
Tel: (020) 7828 2468
Fax: (020) 7630 6784

Ex-Services Mental Welfare Society

Ex-Services Mental Welfare Society
(Combat Stress)
Tyrwhitt House
Oaklawn Road
Surrey KT22 OBX
Tel: (01372) 841600
Fax: (01372) 841601
Website: Ex-Services Mental Welfare Society

The Fellowship of the Services

The Fellowship of the Services
94 Sharrow Lane
Sheffield S11 8AL
Tel: (0114) 255 8311
Website:The Fellowship of the Services

Forces Pensions Society

Forces Pensions Society
68 South Lambert Road
London SW8 1RL
Tel: (020) 7820 9988
Fax: (020) 7820 9948
Website: Forces Pensions Society

King George's Fund For Sailors

King George's Fund For Sailors
8 Hatherley Street
London SW1P 2YY
Tel: (020) 7932 0000
Fax: (020) 7932 0095
E-Mail: seafarers@kgfs.org.uk
Website: Seafarers UK

Light Infantry Benevolent Association

Light Infantry Benevolent Association
Regimental Headquarters
The Light Infantry
Peninsula Barracks
Romsey Road
Hants SO23 8TS
Tel: (01962) 828529/30
Fax: (01926) 828534

Merchant Navy Welfare Board

Merchant Navy Welfare Board
30 Palmerston Road
Hants SO14 1LL
Tel: (023) 8033 7799
Fax: (023) 8063 4444
E-Mail: enquiries@mnwb.org.uk
Website: Merchant Navy Welfare Board

National Malaya & Borneo Veterans Association

National Malaya & Borneo Veterans Association
National Secretary
Mr George Tullis
10 Healey Close
CV21 1NE
Telephone (01788) 331043
Email g.tullis@ntlworld.com

National Service Veterans Alliance (NSVA)

National Service Veterans Alliance (NSVA)
220, Kingsground
London. SW9 5EW.
E-Mail: alantizzard@nsva.fsnet.co.uk

The 'Not Forgotten' Association

The 'Not Forgotten' Association
4th Floor
2 Grosvenor Gardens
London SW1W 0PH
Tel: (020) 7730 2400
Fax: (020) 7730 0020
E-Mail: director@nfassociation.freeserve.co.uk
Website: The 'Not Forgotten' Association

The Officers Association

The Officers Association
1st Floor, Mountbarrow House
6-20 Elizabeth Street
London SW1W 9RB

Tel: 0845 873 7150
E-Mail: postmaster@oaed.org.uk
Website:The Officers Association

The Order of St John of Jerusalem & British Red Cross Society

The Order of St John of Jerusalem & British Red Cross Society
5 Grosvenor Crescent
London SW1X 7EH
Tel: (020) 7201 5131
Fax: (020) 7235 9350
E-Mail: balwinder@jointcommittee.freeserve.co.uk

Queen Alexandra Hospital Home

Queen Alexandra Hospital Home
Gifford House
Boundary Road
BN12 3QA
Tel: (01903) 213458
Fax: (01903) 219151
Website: Queen Alexandra Hospital Home

Rifleman's Aid Society

Rifleman's Aid Society
Peninsula Barracks
Romsey Road
Winchester SO23 8TS
Tel: (01962) 828526
Fax: (01962) 828500
E-Mail: rfnaid@royalgreenjackets.co.uk
Website: Rifleman's Aid Society

The Royal Air Forces Association

The Royal Air Forces Association
117 1/2 Loughborough Road
Leicester LE4 5ND
Tel: (0116) 266 5224
Fax: (0116) 266 5012
Website: The Royal Air Forces Association

Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund

Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund
67 Portland Place
London W1N 4AR
Tel: (020) 7580 8343
Fax: (020) 7636 7005
Website: Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund

Royal Air Force Community Support

Royal Air Force Community Support
RAF Innsworth
Gloucester GL3 1EZ
Tel: (01452) 712612
Website: Royal Air Force Community Support

Royal Alfred Seafarer's Society

Royal Alfred Seafarer's Society
Head Office, Weston Acres
Woodmansterne Lane
Surrey SM7 3HA
Tel: 01737 353763
Fax: 01737 362678
Website:The Royal Alfred Seafarers' Society

The Royal Army Medical Corps Charitable Fund

The Royal Army Medical Corps Charitable Fund
Keogh Barracks
Ash Vale
Hants GU12 5RQ
Tel: (01252) 340306
Fax: (01252) 340224

The Royal Army Pay Corps Regimental Association

The Royal Army Pay Corps Regimental Association
RHQ AGC Centre Worthy Down
Hants SO21 2RG
Tel: (01962) 887436
Fax: (01962) 887074
E-Mail: regsec.rapc@virgin.net
Website:The Royal Army Pay Corps Regimental Association

The Royal Army Service Corps and Royal Corps of Transport Association

The Royal Army Service Corps and Royal Corps of Transport Association
9 St Helens Road
Hampshire PO12 2RL
Tel: (023) 9252 6750

The Royal Artillery Charitable Fund

The Royal Artillery Charitable Fund
Front Parade
Royal Artillery Barracks
London SE18 4BH
Tel: (020) 8781 3004
Fax: (020) 8854 3617
Email address: welfsec.rhqra@army.mod.uk.net

The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion
48 Pall Mall
London SW1Y 5JY
Tel: (020) 7973 7200
Fax: (020) 7973 7399
Website: The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion Scotland

The Royal British Legion Scotland
New Haig House
Logie Green Road
Edinburgh EH7 4HR
Tel: (0131) 557 2782
Fax: (0131) 557 5819
Website: The Royal British Legion Scotland

Royal Cambridge House For Soldier's Widow

Royal Cambridge House For Soldier's Widow
The Superintendent
Royal Cambridge Home
82/84 Hurst Road
East Molesly
Surrey KT8 9AH

Royal Engineers Association

Royal Engineers Association
Brompton Barracks
Tel: (01634) 822394
Website: Royal Engineers Association

The Royal Logistic Corps Association

The Royal Logistic Corps Association
Regimental Headquarters The Royal Logistic Corps
Dettingen House
Princess Royal Barracks
Deepcut, Camberley
Surrey GU16 6RW
Tel: (01252) 833363
Fax: (01252) 833375
E-Mail: mike-bray@rlcdeepcut.fsnet.co.uk
Website: The Royal Logistic Corps Association

The Royal Marines Association

The Royal Marines Association
RMA Central Office
Building 32,
Whale Island
Tel: 023 9265 1519
Fax: 023 9254 7207
E-mail: chiefexec@rma.org.uk
Website The Royal Marines Association

The Royal Naval Association

The Royal Naval Association
82 Chelsea Manor Street
London SW3 5QJ
Tel: (020) 7352 6764
Fax: (020) 7352 7385
E-Mail: rna@netcomuk.co.uk
Website: The Royal Naval Association

Royal Naval Benevolent Trust

Royal Naval Benevolent Trust
Castaway House
311 Twyford Avenue
Portsmouth PO2 8PE
Tel: (023) 9266 0296
Fax: (023) 9266 0852
E-Mail: rnbt@rnbt.org.uk
Website: Royal Naval Benevolent Trust

Royal Naval Benevolent Society For Officers

Royal Naval Benevolent Society For Officers
The Secretary,
70 Porchester Terrace London,
W2 3TP.
Tel: 020 7402 5231
Fax: 020 7402 5533

E-Mail: RNBSO@lineone.net

Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation

Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation
40 Queen Anne's Gate
London SW1H 9AP
Tel: (020) 7233 1894
E-Mail: rpat@fish.co.uk

Royal Pioneer Corps Association

Royal Pioneer Corps Association
51 St George's Drive
London SW1V 4DE
Tel: (020) 7834 0415
E-Mail: pioners@rpca.fsnet.co.uk
Website: Royal Pioneer Corps Association

Royal Signal Association

Royal Signal Association
RHQ Royal Signals
Blandford Camp
Dorset DT11 8RH
Tel: (01258) 482090
Fax: (01258) 482084
E-Mail: rsa@rsignals.net
Website:Royal Signals Association

Royal Star and Garter Home

Royal Star and Garter Home
Richmond Hill
Richmond Upon Thames
Surrey TW10 6RR
Tel: (020) 8940 3314
Fax: (020) 8439 8004
E-Mail: generalenquiries@starandgarter.org
Website:Royal Star and Garter Home

St. David's Home for Disabled Ex-Servicemen

St. David's Home for Disabled Ex-Servicemen
12 Castlebar Hill
London W5 1TE
Tel: (020) 8997 5121
Fax: (020) 8997 2447
Website: St. David's Home for Disabled Ex-Service people

St Dunstan's

St Dunstan's
PO Box 4XB
12-14 Harcourt Street
London W1H 4HD
Tel: (020) 7723 5021
Website: St Dunstan's

The Scottish National Institution for the War Blinded

The Scottish National Institution for the War Blinded
The Superintendent
The Scottish National Institution for the War Blinded
EH27 8DU
Telephone: 0131 333 1334/ 0131 333 1369
Fax: 0131 333 4841
E-Mail: enquiries@scottishwarblinded.org.uk
Website:The Scottish National Institution for the War Blinded

Scottish Veteran's Garden City Association

Scottish Veteran's Garden City Association
New Haig House
Logie Green Road
Edinburgh EH7 4HR
E-Mail: scottish.veterans@charity.vfree.com

Scottish Veterans' Residences

Scottish Veterans' Residences
Whitefoord House
53 Canongate
Tel: 0131 556 0091
Fax: 0131 557 8734
Email: info@svronline.org
Website: Scottish Veterans' Residences

Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation

Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation
446 Fulham Road
London SW6 1DT
Tel: (020) 7385 2110
Fax: (020) 7381 7484
E-Mail: info@oswaldstoll.org.uk
Website: Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation

Soldiers Sailors & Airman's Families Association Forces Help

Soldiers Sailors & Airman's Families Association Forces Help
19 Queen Elizabeth Street
London SE1 2LP
Tel: (020) 7403 8783
Fax: (020) 7403 8815
E-Mail: info@ssafa.org.uk
Website: Soldiers Sailors & Airman's Families Association Forces

South Atlantic Medal Association (SAMA)

South Atlantic Medal Association (SAMA)
The South Atlantic Medal Association (1982)
PO Box 82
Gwent NP2 0YE
Website: South Atlantic Medal Association (SAMA)

War Widows Association of Great Britain

War Widows Association of Great Britain
c/o 199 Borough High Street,
London SE1 1AA
Tel: 0845 2412 189
email: info@warwidowsassociation.org.uk
Website: War Widows Association of Great Britain

Association Of Wrens

Association Of Wrens
8 Hatherley Street
London SW1P 2YY
Tel: (020) 7932 0111
E-Mail: wrensassoc@aol.com
Website: Association Of Wrens

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