Big Book - N

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na. - naturalized; not applicable.

NAI Standard Abbreviation for County of Nairn, Scotland (Chapman Code)

Nailor / Naylor 1) Made iron nails by hand 2) Maintained the teeth (nails) on the carding machine used on wool & cotton before weaving

Naperer / Napier Servant in charge of table linen in large houses

Narrow Weaver Wove ribbons, tapes etc.

Nata Latin born;female

Naturalization records document recording the process by which an immigrant becomes a citizen

Natus latin born;male

Navvy / Navigator / Navor Labourer on canals or railways, roads etc.

NBL Standard Abbreviation for County of Northumberland , England(Chapman Code)

Neatherd /er Cowherd

Neats Foot Oil Dealer Neats Foot Oil is obtained by boiling the feet of cattle. It is used to render leather soft and pliable

Necessary Woman Servant who emptied and cleaned the chamber pots

Necker Fed the cardboard into box-making machinery

Necrosis mortification of bones or tissue

Nedeller Needle maker

Nee born, used to denote a woman's maiden name.

Needle Pointer 1) Filed or fettled the points in needle manufacture 2) Needlepoint craftswoman

Neph. (abbreviation) nephew.

Nepritis inflammation of the kidneys

Netter Net maker

NFK Standard Abbreviation for County of Norfolk , England(Chapman Code)

Night Soilman / Nightman Emptied cesspits, ashpits and outside toilets - "middins" - usually required to work from 9pm to 5am.

Nightwalker Night watchman or bellman

Nimgimmer Doctor

Nipper Carter's assistant for delivery of goods

'N ob Thatcher Wig maker

NIR Standard Abbreviation for Northern Ireland(Chapman Code)

Noon Tender Guarded quayside goods whilst officers were at lunch

Noterer Notary

Nunc. (abbreviation) -nuncupative will,oral will.

Nuncupative will an oral will

Nupsit Latin married

Nurse Child A child being looked after by another family for payment

NRY Standard Abbreviation for County of North Riding Yorkshire, England(Chapman Code)

NTH Standard Abbreviation for County of Northamptonshire, England(Chapman Code)

NTT Standard Abbreviation for County of Nottinghamshire, England(Chapman Code)

NYK Standard Abbreviation for County of North Yorkshire , England(Chapman Code)

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