Places of Worship ~ Your Camera to The Wiki
This page is being put together.... more to be added.
About the Places of Worship Project
We are aiming to compile an online album of all the places where our ancestors may have been baptised, christened, married or buried.
To this end, Regional Teams have been established who are organising the collection of these photographs by the members of The Family Tree Forum.
The division of the regions is based on The Historic or Traditional Counties of Britain.
Currently, the Project is only collecting pictures from England and Wales.
If you have any questions about the Project or would like to become involved in it, please contact Darksecretz who is the Project Leader or visit the Regional Projects Forum.
Definition of a Place of Worship for this Project
- Buildings from mainstream religions ... where a marriage, christening, baptism or burial may have taken place in the past.
- Cemetery chapels and crematoria where there is a chapel or church attached..
- Redundant and/or deconsecrated churches and chapels.
Photographs should be taken by yourself, or you must have the photographer’s permission. Although members retain control and ownership of the photos, copyright should be waived so that Family Tree Forum can use them. Images downloaded from the internet are not acceptable as this is a breach of copyright.
If a photo appears in The Places of Worship, which relates to an event in your family history, then copies can be made for personal use. It is discretionary whether one should send a private message (pm) to the submitter.
Taking the Photographs
Check what is still needed
You can check in The Wiki:
You can check which pictures are waiting to be uploaded from the thread in your region in the Regional Projects Forum
Size, Quality, Resolution
Maximum file size for uploading: 150kb
Explanation about size/resolution etc.
Camera settings??
When you have taken them
When they have been resized and/or resampled, you can add your own pictures to the relevant pages.
If you do not feel able to add your own pictures to The Wiki, you can add your pictures to a thread in the Regional Projects Forum. This should be done from online storage rather then directly uploading them to the thread.
Online Storage
Photobucket is one of several ways of using online storage for your pictures. Free users can upload up to 1GB of files images which is up to around 10,000 files. Pro users can upload up to 5GB of files which is up to around 50,000 files. You can organise your pictures into Albums and Sub Albums.
If you are using Photobucket to host your pictures until they are uploaded to The Wiki then choose either large (640x480) or (800x600). Once the pictures have been transferred from the thread to The Wiki, they can be deleted from your Photobucket account.
Photobucket Tutorials
Collecting the pictures from a thread
If you are putting in other people's photographs from a thread:
Places of Worship ~ Photographs from a Thread
Resizing and/or resampling the photographs
You may need to resize them and/or change the resolution in order to make the file small enough to upload:
Places of Worship ~ Resizing Photographs
Putting them on the pages
Photographs for The Places of Worship must be uploaded to The Wiki.
You can upload the pictures directly: Uploading Images to The Wiki
You can upload them at the same time as adding the code: Places of Worship ~ Adding Photographs
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