Places of Worship:Shetland

From the Family Tree Forum Reference Library

Places of Worship Photos ON the WIKI Scotland

Shetland Parishes

A | B | C | D | F | L | M | N | P | Q | S | T | U | W

Shetland Parishes A

  • Aithsting

Shetland Parishes B

  • Bressay
  • Burra

Shetland Parishes C

  • Cunningsburgh

Shetland Parishes D

  • Delting
  • Dunrossness

Shetland Parishes F

  • Fetlar
  • Foula

Shetland Parishes L

  • Lerwick
  • Lunnasting

Shetland Parishes M

  • Mid Yell

Shetland Parishes N

  • Nesting
  • Northmavine
  • North Yell

Shetland Parishes P

  • Papa-Stour

Shetland Parishes Q

  • Quarff

Shetland Parishes S

  • Sandness
  • Sandwick
  • Skerries
  • South Yell

Shetland Parishes T

  • Tingwall

Shetland Parishes U

  • Unst

Parishes W

  • Walls
  • Weesdale (now Weisdale)
  • Whalsay & Skerries
  • Whiteness & Weesdale/Weisdale

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