From the Family Tree Forum Reference Library
- 1 Record Office and Cemetery Lookup Contacts
- 2 Other Useful Links
- 3 Alberta
- 4 British Columbia
- 5 Halifax and Nova Scotia
- 6 Manitoba
- 7 New Brunswick
- 8 Newfoundland, Labrador & Prince Edward Island
- 9 Northwest Territories & Nunavut
- 10 Ontario
- 11 Quebec
- 12 Saskatchewan
- 13 Yukon
- 14 Emigration/Immigration and Shipping and Passenger Lists
Capital Ottawa
Languages English, French
Currency Canadian dollar
Canada is the second largest country in the world and is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories, each with its own capital city. From huge sprawling towns to vast wilderness areas and national parks, Canada is certainly a country of diversity, although culturally very similar to England and France.
Record Office and Cemetery Lookup Contacts
Records Office Contacts
- Vancouver Public Library (British Columbia BMDs) Weekly Jenoco
- Photocopies of death certificates (over 20 years old) or marriage certificates (over 75 years old) from British Columbia, Contact Nelde
Other Useful Links
British Columbia
Halifax and Nova Scotia
- Manitoba Timelinks Image Archive
Sept 2009
- Manitoba Life and Times
Sept 2009
- Archives of the Winnipeg Free Press
Sept 2009
New Brunswick
- New Brunswick Provincial Archives - BMD Searches
Newfoundland, Labrador & Prince Edward Island
Emigration/Immigration and Shipping and Passenger Lists
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