From the Family Tree Forum Reference Library


Kirkman, Kerkman, Kyrkman, Kirckman, Kerman, Kirman


LocationsResearching Members
WorldwideTony Kirkman

Histories and Origins

The Oxford Dictionary of English Surnames has this on our surname: Kirkman, Kirman, Kerman: Robert Kirkeman 1230 [source Pipe Rolls, Yorkshire]; Roger le Kirkeman 1259 [source Cavalry Charters, Yorkshire].Old Norse kirkja and Middle English man. ‘Custodian of a church’. See more on the KIRKMAN surname at the web site below. I have details on a large amount of Kirkmans worldwide, including England (going back to the 15th century), Scotland, USA, Canada, Australia, & South Africa

External Links

The Worldwide Kirkman Family
Kirkman DNA Project
Guild of One Name Studies - Kirkman surname

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