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More than one image on page

There are several ways of laying out tables with images and/or text.

These are examples of some of the techniques which have been used in The Wiki.

Gallery - small thumbnails

Using the Gallery gives a preset table.

If you click on the pictures, you see the image itself. Selecting the link takes you to the page in The Wiki.


<gallery caption="CONTENTS">
Image: WIP2_fr2.jpg|[[World_Index_Page]]
Image: Surnames3_fr2.jpg|[[Surname Directory]]
Image: Census_fr2.jpg|[[Census_Search]]

Pictures in a table

These pictures are laid out in a table. You can have single pictures or several in a row.

Clicking on the picture takes you to the full size image.

The advantage to this method is that you can add a caption to the picture.


<table cellpadding=10>
<td>[[Image:St Francis of Assissi, Hassocks, W Sussex JILL ON A272.jpg|thumb|150px|St. Francis of Assisi. Submitted by Jill on A272 ‎]]</td>

St. Francis of Assisi. Submitted by Jill on A272 ‎
Jireh Strict Baptist Chapel. Submitted by Jill on the A272 ‎
Perrymount Road Methodist Church. Submitted by Jill on the A272
St. Edmund's Church Submitted by Jill on the A272

Clickpic ~ hyperlinked pictures

Clicking on the picture will take you to a page in The Wiki.


{| height="35px" border="0" cellpadding="15"
|{{clickpic|Parish_Registers| http://www.familytreeforum.com/wiki/images/d/d6/Register_fr2.jpg}}
||{{clickpic| Certificate_tutorials| http://www.familytreeforum.com/wiki/images/c/ca/Certs_fr.jpg}}
||{{clickpic|World_Index_Page| http://www.familytreeforum.com/wiki/images/3/30/WIP2_fr2.jpg}}

Register_fr2.jpg Certs_fr.jpg WIP2_fr2.jpg

150px-Online_fr2.jpg 120px-WIP_fr.jpg 150px-Counties_fr2.jpg 150px-Surnames3_fr2.jpg

You can Mix and Match sizes
75px-InitialsE.jpg Certs_fr.jpg 75px-InitialsF.jpg WIP2_fr2.jpg

To make the smaller clickpic images
75px-InitialsA.jpg 75px-InitialsB.jpg 75px-InitialsC.jpg 75px-InitialsD.jpg 75px-InitialsE.jpg 75px-InitialsF.jpg


You have to make the image smaller in advance ... you can't just edit the existing code!!

InitialsB.jpg Right click and select properties, copy the hyperlink.


Images as hyperlinks to Wiki pages from pictures in the Wiki.

Dictating the width as a percentage ensures an even display on any size screen.

{| width="100%" height="35px" border="0" cellpadding="10"
! width="30%"|<span class="plainlinks"> [http://www.familytreeforum.com/genealogy-general http://www.familytreeforum.com/wiki/images/3/36/Research.jpg]</span>
! width="30%"|<span class="plainlinks"> [http://www.familytreeforum.com/wiki/index.php/Creating_Your_Family_Tree http://www.familytreeforum.com/wiki/images/f/fe/Create_fr.jpg]</span>
! width="30%"| <span class="plainlinks"> [http://www.familytreeforum.com/family-tree-forum-community-boards http://www.familytreeforum.com/wiki/images/2/2e/Community.jpg] </span>

Research.jpg Create_fr.jpg Community.jpg
 <span class="plainlinks"> link </span> stops the blue arrow on the side.


<span class="plainlinks"> [http://www.familytreeforum.com/wiki/index.php/Special:Allpages http://www.familytreeforum.com/wiki/images/b/b1/Index_fr2.jpg] </span>


Images as hyperlinks to external websites and externally hosted images

This example uses clickable pictures - this has the advantage of allowing you to use images to hyperlink to sites outside The Wiki. The first URL is the external URL of the full sized image. The thumbnail uses the URL of the image on The Wiki. The thumbnail image has to be uploaded to The Wiki in the size you need to use.

This example gives a choice between either a picture which will take you to the photobucket version or a text link which will also take you direct to the photobucket version. When the thumbnail is clicked, you see the picture in the orginal size.

 <span class="plainlinks"> link </span> stops the blue arrow on the side.
150px-Buckinghamshire.jpg 150px-Buckinghamshire.jpg 150px-Buckinghamshire.jpg Hello Sailor

Mixing images and text

Picture on the left, some text and picture on the right

N.B. If the image has no "built in" border you need to use |thumb| not |frame|.

Documents fr2.jpg

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec in enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas id nibh ut turpis lobortis commodo. Phasellus sed neque. Proin fringilla euismod libero. Etiam vel lectus. Aliquam dui. Curabitur venenatis molestie neque. Integer mi dolor, gravida at, accumsan eget, fringilla eget, arcu. Suspendisse euismod. Nam et lorem accumsan magna venenatis pellentesque. In et ante. Etiam magna. Cras rutrum mi quis tellus.

Sed mi eros, lacinia mattis, gravida vel, placerat posuere, lacus. Duis accumsan tincidunt sapien. Morbi sed velit. Etiam quis orci. Donec at velit sed lorem elementum feugiat. Curabitur ut ligula. Quisque in eros. Morbi sed enim id sapien tristique fringilla. Nunc ligula augue, pellentesque ac, nonummy id, semper eget, ante. Sed mi eros, lacinia mattis, gravida vel, placerat posuere, lacus. Duis accumsan tincidunt sapien. Morbi sed velit. Etiam quis orci. Donec at velit sed lorem elementum feugiat. Curabitur ut ligula. Quisque in eros. Morbi sed enim id sapien tristique fringilla. Nunc ligula augue, pellentesque ac, nonummy id, semper eget, ante.

Adding Content to The Wiki ~ Images and Tables

Uploading images to The Wiki

Help:Notes for Users